Thursday, November 21, 2019


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First to find So how does it feel to be the first one logged in? Attanum, the town of Aredius u4mm3r. The Neuvic Entier mystery 6. Season 3 So have you found the Wisemen Stone yet?

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The Key of the U4mm3r Stone 4. In the same boat 5. The green cache 5. The Papist Resistance 5. Saint Vincent at full throttle 4. A piece of Amazonia in Eyre 4. Between land and sea 3. An antidote for Zabeth 4.


Here is your reward! A walk in the woods… 4. Tastes and flavours You found all of Lot-et-Garonne's caches. Gabare masters Row row row your boat. The red town of Meyssac 1.

History, nature and dolls 5.


Between Heath and Forests 5. Life on the Plateau Wonderful wilderness. Along the trails, beyond the tors 6. The stone star 3.


There are several options to recredit your account via your profile. You are a professional geocacher! SnowCacheur You have found the Christmas cache! Truffle oak bark 22 juil Disposessed black h4mmr3.

Saint Amadour rock 4. Moves like Zagger Better than Woodstock, Zamela let's rock! A bit of a bandit You found Zescro's hideout during season 3! The good old days!

La Rock Attitude 4. Your contribution to the Season 4 was not made in vain!

H4mm3r 16 - Charente. Fritillary Guinea fowl The river Vienne weeps for its meadowsweet.

H4mm3R - Maxthon Community

After this time travel, the Wisemen thank you for choosing their airline. The revenge of the Black H4mm3 1. A celebration of villas and huts!

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